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Based in Bridgend, South Wales, we have over 38 years of experience and are committed to helping you sell your car fast, in a safe and easy way, whilst providing the best possible customer experience. We will travel to you if it is within 30 miles or an hour's travel from Bridgend.
October 30, 2015, 10:25 am
Most people sell their car for a pretty good reason, but other people clearly have more money than sense. If you’re thinking about selling your car but don’t think you have a good enough excuse to, then here are some of the most ridiculous reasons there has ever been for people to sell their car.
Yep, this has actually happened. Someone bought a vehicle and later realised that the doors don’t open wide enough for their 28 stone daughter to get in and out of the vehicle easily. Despite the vehicle in question having rather large doors, problems occurred when another car was parked next to it and the end result was the daughter being wedged in the door space when trying to exit the vehicle.
That’s right, someone decided that they wanted cup holders in the backseat of their car, so they sold their car and bought a newer model with the better trim level. If those aren’t the most expensive cup holder’s you’ve ever heard of then you’re clearly hanging out with all the wrong people!
Ever want to get rid of your brand new car because you’re too lazy to shift gears? No, we haven’t either, but there are plenty of stories of people who’ve exchanged, returned or sold their cars in favour of an automatic transmission. While this may seem a bit extreme, if you aren’t comfortable driving then you won’t enjoy it so in the long run this does make a bit of sense.
You would be shocked by the number of people who want to trade in their nearly-new vehicles for the same one in a different colour. Of course there are huge losses made here, but like we said before – more money than sense! Would it be cheaper to just pay to have it painted? Yes! So why do they do it, you’re guess is as good as ours.
Replacing a car key can be a bit pricey – we’re talking £200-£400. So what do you do if that’s the same price as your car? Trade it in of course. It may sound ridiculous, but this can actually make financial sense as you’re saving yourself a cost, getting rid of an old car and getting money that you can put towards a new vehicle.
What happens if a garage can’t get parts in for a couple of days? You wait and use a courtesy car right? Well for some people, waiting a couple of days for a repair is unacceptable and they would rather sell their car and buy a new one just to drive away the same day! How is this even a thing?
Fashion, it isn’t just the clothes you wear it is also the car you drive. So what happens when your VW beetle isn’t fashionable anymore? You sell it and buy a Fiat 500 right? Or, you would if you’re more concerned about your appearance than your bank statement!
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