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Based in Bridgend, South Wales, we have over 38 years of experience and are committed to helping you sell your car fast, in a safe and easy way, whilst providing the best possible customer experience. We will travel to you if it is within 30 miles or an hour's travel from Bridgend.
July 8, 2015, 4:35 pm
Do you know what to do if you have a breakdown? If you’ve never had to experience this before then it is a good idea to find out what to do, rather than simply Google it while you’re pulled over on the side of the road.
So, if the worst happens and your car has broken down then here’s what you should do.
If you start to notice the signs that your vehicle is failing then you should try to get off at the next exit or service station. This is not always possible however, so in this case you should pull over on the hard shoulder and park as far to the left as possible and point the wheels towards the left to stop the car from rolling into traffic.
Once stopped, activate your hazard warning lights to make your vehicle more visible. If you have a reflective jacket then put this on to make sure you stand out and then get out the vehicle to the left hand side and stand around 50-100m behind where you left your car.
The next thing you need to do is call your breakdown cover provider and tell them exactly where you are. If you haven’t got a mobile phone – or if you have no signal or battery – then walk to the nearest roadside emergency telephone and they will patch you through to the highways agency.
Wait for assistance to reach you – if the car is fixed by the road then you simply wait for a gap in the traffic and go on your way. If the car is not fixed then further assistance will be required which will take both you and your vehicle onwards in your journey.
If there is no hard shoulder to pull into then you should try to move your vehicle as far to the left as possible and stop – applying the hazard lights when you begin to slow and leaving them on when at a complete stop.
When the vehicle is stationary, everyone needs to exit the vehicle and stand on a section of the road that is clear to other drivers – ideally on a pavement or off the road. You should place a warning triangle about 20-30 metres behind your vehicle to warn other drivers.
Call your breakdown cover provider, tell them where you are and wait for assistance. If the car is fixed on the side of the road then carefully retrieve your warning triangle, then wait for a gap in the traffic and pull away.
Don’t worry if you haven’t got breakdown cover, it isn’t the end of the world. There are three options to choose from:
If your car is constantly breaking down then it can start to become very expensive and you should probably consider selling your car. At Cashpoint4Cars we buy cars of all makes and models. Give us a call today or enter your reg number online to find out how much we’ll pay.
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